Parish Council Meetings
Monthly Meetings
Parish Council meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month unless an alternative date has been set. There is no meeting during August. The meetings are held in Cononley Institute, commencing at 7pm and are open to the public. All are welcome.
Annual Meetings
The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the parish electors which is held annually on the second Tuesday in March following the Cononley Parish Council meeting.
The Chairman of the Parish Council calls and chairs the Annual Parish Meeting and electors can contribute to the agenda. In practice, these meetings often celebrate local activities and debate current issues in the community.
Notice of the Annual Village Meeting is given 7 days before on the Parish Council website, the village notice board, in the village newsletter (copy times permitting) and on the Cononley Parish Council Facebook page.
Standing Orders
There are rules called Standing Orders, which govern the conduct and procedure of Parish Council meetings. The Parish Council is required by law to have them. The Standing Orders are agreed by the Parish Council and assist the Chairman in managing the meeting by establishing such things as the regular agenda items, the length of time a councillor can speak on an issue or even the length of the meeting and/or its finishing time.