Cononley Parish Council undertakes the usual range of parish council duties such as responding to queries from the village on a range of issues such as traffic congestion and parking within the village.
But the work of Cononley Parish Council is rather more complex and demanding than most similar parish councils within this part of Yorkshire in that it manages nearly 60 Allotments well as Dead Eye Nature Reserve, various other small properties located around the village and even some street lamps!
Additionally, the Parish Council owns the Village Playing Field and the Village Institute, both of which are separately managed by charitable trusts of which the Parish Council is the sole trustee.
The Parish Councillors together with the Clerk act on behalf of Cononley residents to influence Craven District and North Yorkshire Councils and other bodies, such as the Environment Agency and Network Rail, whose decisions may have an impact on the lives of people living and working in Cononley.
The Clerk & RFO is accountable to the Parish Council for the management of its resources and budget, and ensures that the statutory duties directing the Parish Council's activities are observed.

Parish Council Assets
The Parish Council not only owns assets, such as benches, street lights and office equipment, in its own right, but as Sole Trustee of the Cononley Village Institute Trust and the Cononley Village Playing Fields Trust, owns the assets in those trusts on behalf of the trust's beneficiaries.
View our Asset Register 2023